UPDATE: Ted Cruz Shows True Colors After TSR Article
I legitimately don't know how much more stupid this man and other mainstream republicans can get. Ted Cruz obviously has a bad track record when it comes to public statements he makes and this one is just dumb. He obviously wasn't reading my article or maybe he did and is just trying to lose? I have no idea but what a pathetic thing to say. This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse. #LGBTQ https://t.co/tTIMR8VtqW — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 29, 2023 This is just the true colors of all republicans here, it's the same trash that AIPAC puts out so they put it out too. The worst part is Ted Cruz' father is a supposed preacher and Cruz has always ran as the pro-Church candidate here in Texas. I honestly don't want him to win at this point if this is the garba...