I Need Some More Time Off... I'll be back!

 Well folks... A lot has transpired since I left you all with a brief farewell message over a month ago. We've seen a full scale conflict develop in the middle east, among other typical developments which you might've known were going to happen had you payed attention to my previous broadcasts. 

You all might have noticed that when I started this leave of absence that I did in fact shutdown "The SBG Show Chatroom" which I do not regret in any way, as unfortunately it became a breeding ground for weaponized autism. With that being said however, I will plan on reintroducing the show, and some form of viewer interaction in the coming months, I just don't know when that will be since I am in the process of moving studios and by the time you hear from me again we will be broadcasting from the new and improved "Weekday Update Studios." 

I appreciate all of the kind emails, comments, and messages I have received since I ended the broadcast in september, I do appreciate the true fans out there and will eventually... make up these shows to you all. For now however, keep focusing on being productive, and enjoy your holiday season, we only have so many chances to be with family. 

Once again, I am not sure when the broadcast will return, at the moment that is tentative on how quickly I can move studios and get back on a regular schedule. 



P.S. If you would like to watch old content you can always check out the archive over on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@sbgpolitics


  1. brown homo + you fell off + not reading + idc


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